Newspaper History, Business, and Careers
Revised September 12, 2008
New York Times
This site contains a timeline of the New York Times's history and lots of
images in a format similar to other news source sites.
This site is very useful and professionally done. It contains a large
amount of information on the New York Times. For my money this site is the
best of the ones listed.
History Buff
Mark D. CerconeThis web site is an historical reference of newspaper coverage from the 16th Century to the 20th Century.
This is a web site of the Newspaper Collector’s Society of America, strictly devoted to the historical side of newspapers. This web site includes links that divide the history of newspaper coverage into particular events, such as baseball coverage, Civil War coverage, Newspaper error editions and so forth. Under each of this links, it shows a list of newspaper articles discussing the coverage of the subject of that link.Historic Pages
Historic Pages is a for-profit enterprise that illustrates the many pages available for sale.There are many interesting images here along with newspaper history
This site covers a period of a little over five centuries, from the early
1400's to today. There is a timeline of events but it is written into the
paragraphs rather than laid out on a vertical line. The descriptions of
technological advancement, names of various papers, the people involved and the history of the times are extremely detailed.
BusinessNewspaper Industry
Tracy Treseder
There is no timeline on this site, but there are five images and several
The main page says "A Portal To The Business Of
Newspapers". This site reports on the newspaper business as a whole.
The site has an extensive range of coverage with in-depth
articles/sections/links on Advertising, Circulation, Classifieds,
Convergence, Internet, Journalism, Management, Media, Press Freedom, and Research.The site has a "History of Newspapers" section that details the business
history of this medium. There is also a FAQ box with links to "Understanding
Newspaper Ownership", "What is a Newspaper", and "Are you new to the
industry". This website is owned by the International Newspaper Marketing Association (INMA), a "non-profit organization dedicated to promoting advanced marketing principles within the newspaper industry."
Newspaper Association of America
This site does not contain a timeline, but it does have several images and
It speaks about trends in the newspaper business, operations and technology in newspaper coverage, government and legal affairs in newspapers, electronic newspapers, diversity and education, circulation and readership of newspapers, advertising and marketing, and smaller market newspaper coverage. There is also coverage on a variety of different resources tools for newspaper coverage across America and a research center for newspaper coverage.This is the site for the Newspaper Association of America, and contains
information important to its members. There is general information as well
as recent happenings in the corporate and regulatory sectors of the
newspaper business.Washington Post
Mizuki Hashiguchi
It is a professional business web This page
site created and maintained by The Washington Post. The site provides a broad range of information about the
newspaper business, ranging from circulation,
advertising, news, editorial, to community relations
and employment. When the viewer clicks on the link for
"News & Editorial," a concise four-paragraph summary
about the role of the News and Editorial department
appears. On the bottom of the page, there is a picture
of the busy Post newsroom. Moreover, on the left side
of the page, there are links to more detailed
information such as what an ombudsman does, how
editorials are written, and how the newspaper is
This web site also includes information about business
history. Following the link on "General Information,"
viewers can visit the following page:
has descriptions about The Washington Post first being
published in 1877, how it was initially circulated,
and what kinds of technological breakthroughs were
made later on.News
All Voices
The first open media site where anyone can report from anywhere. For the latest information on the current national news go to
CareersAmerican Society of Newspaper Editors
This site does not contain a timeline and the only image is the heading of
the page.
This site contains all sorts of information for people interested in a
newspaper career. It is aimed at students thinking of becoming newspaper journalists. It is easy to navigate and the layout is uncluttered.
For someone interested in a newspaper career, this would be a good place to start as far as general information goes.
Editor and Publisher
This site does not contain a timeline, while it does contain six images in a
news-site style layout.
This site is an online trade magazine with information for editors and
publishers, as the name suggests. It also contains employment classifieds
for the newspaper industry. The layout is very straightforward (nice way of
saying boring but simple), but is showing some age.
Michael Tull updated and revised many of these entrees.