TV History
Sean Conner
“All About Television” image courtesy of is a good place to get the feel for what people had in their living rooms and the crude technology that was used. It has a nice broad outlineof the history of TV. Unfortunately, I think the title of the page is more promising than the
actual content of the page. Fortunately, it does have some neat pictures
and is well organized. It also has some stuff on TV Guide as well as
some information on some of the articles on early TV.
Its focus is more on the technology side. It has some nice information
and pictures on TV sets and the variety of sets that existed in other
countries and such. The history of the TV section is divided into
decades, and a pre-1935 section and it goes up until 1960. It does have a
little information on stuff after 1960 but it is all grouped together and
doesn't display anything that one probably wouldn't already know.TV History
Jordan Church
This site has a timeline of television starting back from 1831 with
electrical communication and the telegraph. It goes up until 1996 with
HDTV, but not up to today. There are no pictures but there are links on each topic.
Writing Careers at Studio
Sean Conner
This is a link that was written by NBC Internet. It is sort of an
information/FAQ on how to become a TV writer, along with some suggestions for books to buy.
The site gives ways of breaking into the business. It also lists a few
companies, and their contacts, of places that offer training to get into
TV production. It also has some information on things like how to get an
agent and where to look for a job. It doesn't have much in the way of pay range or how things typically go.
There is some information on how to get into the business by seeking
similar positions, like production assistance. It makes a very nice
starting point and has a few links, although I imagine they're all links
that are somehow connected to Studio audiences. It has no history to speak off. But it could be a valuable site for someone looking to get into the business, particularly at NBC.TV Jobs
(For the job, go to and enter guest for both username and password).